See also my DBLP or Google scholar profiles.
Currently under submission:
Maris Galesloot, Marnix Suilen, Thiago D. Simão, Steven Carr, Matthijs Spaan, Ufuk Topcu, and Nils Jansen. Supervised Learning of Memory-Based Policies for Robust POMDPs. |
Accepted publications:
| Marnix Suilen, Marck van der Vegt, and Sebastian Junges. A PSPACE Algorithm for Almost-Sure Rabin Objectives in Multi-Environment MDPs. In CONCUR 2024. |
arXiv | Eline Bovy, Marnix Suilen, Sebastian Junges, and Nils Jansen. Imprecise Probabilities Meet Partial Observability: Game Semantics for Robust POMDPs. In IJCAI 2024. |
arXiv | Patrick Wienhöft, Marnix Suilen, Thiago D. Simão, Clemens Dubslaff, Christel Baier, and Nils Jansen. More for Less: Safe Policy Improvement with Stronger Performance Guarantees. In IJCAI 2023. |
arXiv | Thom Badings, Thiago D. Simão, Marnix Suilen, and Nils Jansen. Decision-making under uncertainty: beyond probabilities. Challenges and Perspectives. STTT 2023. |
arXiv | Thiago D. Simão, Marnix Suilen, and Nils Jansen. Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs via Finite-State Controllers. In AAAI 2023. |
arXiv | Marnix Suilen, Thiago D. Simão, David Parker, and Nils Jansen. Robust Anytime Learning of Markov Decision Processes. In NeurIPS 2022. |
arXiv | Murat Cubuktepe, Nils Jansen, Sebastian Junges, Ahmadreza Marandi, Marnix Suilen, and Ufuk Topcu. Robust Finite-State Controllers for Uncertain POMDPs. In AAAI 2021. |
arXiv | Thom S. Badings, Arnd Hartmanns, Nils Jansen, and Marnix Suilen. Balancing Wind and Batteries: Towards Predictive Verification of Smart Grids. In NFM 2021. |
arXiv | Marnix Suilen, Nils Jansen, Murat Cubuktepe, and Ufuk Topcu. Robust Policy Synthesis for Uncertain POMDPs via Convex Optimization. In IJCAI 2020. |
Professional Activities
Talks and Presentations
- Robust and Reliable Planning and Learning Under Uncertainty. KTH, Sweden, 2024. Invited talk.
- Robust and Reliable Reinforcement Learning. Dagstuhl Seminar 23492: Model Learning for Improved Trustworthiness in Autonomous Systems, 2023.
- Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs. BNAIC 2023.
- Extending the Scope of Reliable Offline Reinforcement Learning. AISOLA 2023. Invited talk.
- Offline Reinforcement Learning with Reliability Guarantees. ROCKS 2023.
- More for Less: Safe Policy Improvement with Stronger Performance Guarantees. IJCAI 2023.
- Dependable Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Beyond Probabilities. University of Oxford, UK, 2023. Invited talk.
- Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs. LiVe 2023.
- Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs via Finite-State Controllers. AAAI 2023.
- Robust Anytime Learning of Markov Decision Processes. NeurIPS 2022.
- Decision-Making and Learning under Uncertainty. Lorentz Center Workshop: Rigorous Automated Planning, 2022.
- Decision-Making and Learning under Uncertainty. ROCKS 2022.
- Anytime Learning and Verification of Uncertain Markov Decision Processes. LiVe 2022.
- Unraveling Uncertainty in POMDPs. RWTH Aachen, Germany, 2021. Invited talk.
- Robust Policies for Uncertain POMDPs. Robotics for People (R4P) 2021.
- Robust Policies for Uncertain POMDPs. FUNCTION 2021.
- Robust Policy Synthesis for Uncertain POMDPs via Convex Optimization. IJCAI 2020.
Research Visits and Invited Seminars
- RPL Summer School 2024.
- Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning, KTH. 2024.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 24231: Stochastic Games. 2024
- Dagstuhl Seminar 23492: Model Learning for Improved Trustworthiness in Autonomous Systems. 2023.
- Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. 2023.
- Lorentz Center Workshop: Rigorous Automated Planning. 2022.
- Department of Computer Science, RWTH Aachen. 2021.
Academic Service
- PC Member: AAMAS 2023.
- External reviewer: AAAI, AAMAS, EUMAS, FASE, FM, ICML, ICSE, L4DC, LICS, NeurIPS, QEST.
- Student volunteer at IJCAI 2023.
- Student volunteer for FORMATS 2020, part of QONFEST 2020.
Organizational Service
- Co-organizer of the Academic Career Workshop of the iCIS Graduate School at Radboud University, March 27, 2024; 37 participants.
- Representative in the iCIS Graduate School Council for the Department of Software Science at Radboud University.
- Organizer of the AI-FM reading group.
- Dutch University Teaching Qualification (UTQ).
Lectures and Tutorials
- Model Checking, master course, spring 2020–2024. Lectures and tutorial sessions.
- Algorithms & Data Structures, bachelor course, fall 2018-2019, 2022-2023. Tutorial sessions and practical assignments.
- Seminar Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, master course, fall 2021-2023. Individual student supervision.
Thesis and Internship Supervision
- Sander Suverkropp: Quantifying uncertainty in robust Markov models. ELLIS Excellence fellowship, 2024.
- Nikolay Kyosev: Diverse Data Generation in POMDPs for Offline Reinforcement Learning. Master thesis, 2024.
- Eline Bovy: The Underlying Belief Model of Uncertain Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. Master thesis, 2023. BNAIC 2023 best thesis award.
- Mark Széles: Probabilistic Automata (co-algebraically). Research internship, 2023.
- Bram Pellen: Safety-Constrained Learning of Markov Decision Processes. Research internship, 2023.
- Renato Feroce: Model Learning of Markov Decision Processes. Research internship, 2023.
- Koen Verdenius: A POMDP model for safety-critical systems and its deteriorating sensors. Bachelor thesis, 2021.
- Marck van der Vegt: Processing and Generating Observations for Uncertain MDPs. Research internship, 2020.
- Anass Fakir: Creating a Toolchain to Automate Policy Calculations for POMDPs. Research internship, 2020.
I have been lucky enough to travel to the following places: Stockholm, Sweden; Heraklion, Crete, Greece; Saarbrücken, Germany; Macao, SAR, China; Oxford, UK; Paris, France; Delft, The Netherlands; Washington DC, USA; Leiden, The Netherlands; Munich, Germany; Aachen, Germany; Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.